Whatsapp Calldeflector 1.0
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The Whatsapp Calldeflector 1.0 bot app allows you to respond to incoming chat messages on your social channels (primarily Whatsapp and Web). This template doesn't allow for Flows, so little customization is possible.
It is only built to forward messages to an employee (escalate) while sending an automatic response.
On other channels then Whatsapp it will deflect to Whatsapp after waiting for too long on an employee to join and respond. This way your audience is forced to continue in Whatsapp which makes them re-engageable, even when they are offline.
At minimum you need to take care of the following
Make sure your opening hours are configured
Make sure your whatsapp channel is enabled
Optionally configure your chatwidget channel
Configure the auto reply behaviour in the contect section, see below
Invite your users and let them configure their availability settings, profile settings, notification preferences and optionally security settings, such as multi-factor authentication.
When a customer sends a message it might take a while before your team is able to respond. Setting the expectations is crucial for customer success. Therefore the system is designed to send a short auto response, directly after a customer sent a message. In this response the expectations for the response time can be communicated.
Go to the content section and open the Auto responses page. Here you can configure what auto response should be given when a new conversation is started.
Click on Content in the main menu on the left hand side
Click on Auto responses
Fill in the text that you want to reply when the company is open (online), e.g. Thank you for your question, we generally respond within 1 hour.
Fill in the text that you want to reply when the company is closed (offline), e.g. Sadly we are closed right now. We will come back to you when our office is open again.
Fill in the text that you want to reply when the company is open (online) but there are no operators available
Choose the timeout amount in seconds after which the system will deflect to whatsapp.
When the call calls the number and nobody is available to take the call, setting up your call deflector flow will give you(r) and or your team the opportunity to deflect the customer to Whatsapp. Therefore the system is designed to send a couple of questions before sending out a call deflection template to which the customer can reply to start the conversation via Whatsapp.
Go to the content section and open Call deflector page. Here you can configure what questions should be given before you can deflect your customer to a Whatsapp conversation.
Explain the customer what is about to happen via a welcome text.
Reuse question
Ask the customer their phonenumber to deflect to Whatsapp.
Try again
Second try if the first question fails to ask the customer their phonenumber to deflect to Whatsapp.
Phone question
Let the customer type in their phone number and close with a hash key.
Try again
Second try to let the customer type in their phone number and close with a hash key.
Close your conversation with a result and goodbye text.
Timeout is only relevant for conversations on Web to make sure your website visitors get a way to reach out to you even when you are not available.
Another way to deal with this situation is to prevent web chat when there are no operators available. This you can configure in the Chatwidget design page.