
The contacts page shows the contacts (end users) that engaged with your bot and operators.

Create user

By clicking on the + Create user button a form will popup where you can fill in general contactdetails such as first name, last name, email, phone, choose language, insert a timezone and an optional free-form external id to identity your user(s).

By clicking the save button the contact you will store the newly made contact in your CRM. By making new contacts, you will see functionalities to start connecting. It should look something like this:

Changing contactname field

In some situation you want to name your contacts, you can now change your contact by clicking on the name in the contactname field and adjust it accordingly.

Setting tags on a user

By setting specific tags on a user you can categorise the user related to the specific subject. You can find the tags in the inbox by clicking on the name of the user, under the "start new conversation" the tags will be stored.


Get a quick export of your contactlist by clicking on Export. Choose from the following formats such as:

  • Excel (.xlsx)

  • CSV (.csv, ; as delimiter)

  • CSV (.csv, , as delimiter)

Last updated