Ask: audio

The Ask audo node variant is used to ask for an audio fragment. On chat channels it will ask to upload an audio file (WAV or MP3). On phone channels it will record the user's speech until the hash (#) sign is provided.

It also offers the ability to transcribe the (uploaded) audio fragment and to store it in a variable.



The original question

Assign to

To assign the result to a variable in the conversation


To store the variable in the user object

The variable name in the 'Assign to' will be used to store the value in the user object.

Assign transcription to

To store the transcribed text in a variable in the conversation

Remember transcription

To store the transcribed variable in the user object

The variable name in the 'Assign transcription to' property will be used to store the value in the user object.

This node will also set a user tag using the assign-to value. Don't forget to manually create this tag in the Tags page

Last updated