
The Planner skill introduces four different node variants that are almost identical, see Planner skill for more details about the planner skill. Depending on your Bot App template one or more of the following variants of this node can be used:




Plans a todo in a calendar using calendar free busy


todo slot

Plans a todo in a calendar using predefined slot capacity



Plans an event in a calendar using calendar free busy


event slot

Plans an event in a calendar using predefined slot capacity

The properties that are configurable in all four variants are almost identical, see the below Node properties section for more details.

Node properties



Conversation strategy

The way the conversation will elicit the date and time, see below.

Question (multiple choice)

The question text for choosing one of the provided options

Only applicable when the conversation strategy involves proposing multiple options.

Question (one suggestion)

The question text for confirming one proposed option

Applicable when the conversation strategy involves proposing a single option or when the user requested a particular date and time that just needs to be verified.

Try again

The repeat question when wrong input is provided


Failed text

The text to show when the proposed option is no longer available

This only happens when an option becomes unavailable between asking a question and the user confirming it.

Assign to

To assign the result to a variable in the conversation


To store the variable in the user object too

The variable name in the Assign to will be used to store the value in the user object.

Offset (in hours)

The amount of hours from now after which planning is allowed.

Until (in days)

The amount of days the bot can maximally plan ahead

Duration (in minutes)

Events and todo's that are not based on a slot need to have a duration.

The amount of minutes this event or todo will need in the calendar.

Flow to collect event details

The flow that is executed to elicit more information from the user just before creating the Todo or Event

For instance to get the name, phone number and reason for the meeting from the user.


The title for the Todo or Event to create


The description for the Todo or Event to create

Conversation strategy options

This node allows for four different conversation strategies for eliciting the plan:


directly suggest 1 option

The bot will directly propose the first available option to which the user only has to reply with yes or no. When answering no, the bot will propose the next available option.

directly suggest multiple options

The bot will directly propose a couple of options out of which the user can choose. The user can also ask for more options after which the bot will present the next couple of slots.

first ask before suggesting 1 option

The bot will ask for the user's preferred date and time first before proposing an option that comes closest to the user's preference. The user can then answer with either yes or no.

first ask before suggesting multiple options

The bot will ask for the user's preferred date and time first before proposing a couple of options that come close to the user's preference.


When the Plan succesfully resulted in a planned to Todo or Event in the calendar, the tag plan::success will be set. When it failed, it will set the tag plan::failure. Based on these tags a branch node could be used to handle the different outcomes.

Dialog triggers

When the planning requires too many turns, the dialog trigger __ask_max_unknown__ can be used to get users out of the conversation. This way, endless loops can be prevented.

Last updated