Getting Started
Everything you need to know to get you started with DialoX.
This manual provides help setting up bots in the Enreach DialoX platform, formally known as the Botsquad platfom (the terms DialoX and Botsquad will be used in parallel throughout the documentation). The DialoX platform is the foundation for all Conversational AI solutions Enreach is offering.
The complete technical documentation for the DialoX platform is described at DialoX Developer Documentation. However, this manual only focuses on the following three solutions that are built on top of the platform:
Social Messaging Inbox; offers your team the ability to chat with your audience on your website and the major social messaging channels, like Whatsapp, Meta and Instagram. The bot can help route calls or provide automatic answers to questions.
Smart IVR; allows you to answer the phone using a bot to apply routing, note taking, call deflection or automatic answering to questions. to enable smart routing based on speech
Call Deflection; to deflect phone calls to Whatsapp using the capabilities introduced by the two solutions above.
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