Conversation retention time
When well conversation data be archived?
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When well conversation data be archived?
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The data collected by your Smart Apps are stored in the DialoX platform by default for an indefinite period of time.
Any assets collected by your Smart App, like images and audio (recordings) are disposed after 2 years. So although your conversation history will remain available, file based assets (like images or audio files) will be removed after 2 years.
The above defaults are dependent on the hierarchical configuration that applies to your specific organisation, see the next chapter.
Retention policies can be managed in a hierarchical order. So when you set the retention policy on "Agency" level, it will apply for all underlying Customers and Environments. When you change it on Customer level, it will apply for all underlying Environments. And if you change it on Environment level, it will simply only apply for that environment.
Users with the role Organisation manager or Administrator are able to access the Advanced Settings of an environment and therefore change the retention policy.
You can find your current retention policy by the following steps:
Go to the Administration section
Go to Organisation
Find your Agency, Customer or Environment
Now you can find your current retention policy in side bar at the label "Archive conversations". When it is marked with a "*" it means that it derived its setting from a parent level organisation.
The retention policy can be configured in the settings of your Agency, Customer or Environment, depending on which level the policy should apply to.
Go to the Administration section
Go to Organisation
Find your Agency, Customer or Environment in which you want to change the policy
Click on Advanced Settings
End-customers don't need (and most of the times cannot even) to go to the Administration section. They can remain in the Studio section and simply find their environment without opening a specific bot. In the environment view, there is a menu item called "Advanced Settings" which will open a popup.
Find your environment (or choose "manage environment" if you have a specific bot opened)
Click on Settings
In the Advanced Settings section you'll find the option "Customize Conversation Archival". You can choose between a fixed number of default settings.
For new conversations, the settings will immediately be in effect. For previous conversations, it will effectuate the change during the night after the settings was changed, i.e. clean up conversations that are older than the new retention period.