Smart Group Voicemail
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The Smart Group Voicemail app enhances voicemail management by allowing incoming messages to be routed and shared among specific teams or departments. This app streamlines how voicemails are handled, ensuring that each message reaches the right group without delay. It’s designed for organizations that prioritize quick responses and efficient communication.
Phone The Smart Group Voicemail will record and transcribe answers provided over the phone.
Go to "Content - Email settings" and fill out the "Email address", so you will recieve the answer of the call via email.
If you leave this field empty, the answers will be stored in a note.
The bot will ask for name and phone number of the caller and the reason of the call. The text for these questions as well as adding or changing the questions is not possible in this basic app. For this you would need to buy the Advanced level Smart App called Callback note. In this bot the entire flow can be customized.
The app can be configured with a welcome and a goodbye message. By default, the app will create a note with the details left by the caller. However when you provide an email address, the app will send the details to that email address instead of creating a note in the Inbox.
Any of the following roles can be assigned to manage the CMS, and thus the contents of Smart Group Voicemail:
Content Manager
The Smart Group Voicemail app can be used as an alternative voicemail box. Simply forward your calls to this app whenever you are unavailable. The app will ask for the callers name, phone number, and reason of the call. These details will be stored so you can follow up on the call on a later moment.
Notes that are generated by your voicemail are collected in the Notes section. There notes can be followed up by marking them as completed. This way you'll never forget to follow up on promises made by your app.
The app will determine the language of the user based on their phone number. The app falls back on the default language of the app in case the language cannot be determined (e.g. French or Dutch in Belgium).
The opening hours have no effect on the Smart Group Voicemail.